05 Jan 2021除了老实工作几十年,熬到领退休金再去旅游世界,Tim Ferriss说还可以这样:现在起,每隔一段时间,就来个迷你退休,去某个国家生活探索学习。
全书涉及到的各种链接和工具在官网有总结,The 4-Hour Workweek Tools – The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss
The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool — Richard Feynman
Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with course and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: “Is this the condition that I feared?”
Definition | D | NR |
为谁工作 | To work for yourself. | To have others work for you. |
工作时间 | To work when you want to. | To prevent work for work’s sake, and to do the minimum necessary |
啥时退休 | To retire early or young. | To distribute recovery periods and adventures (mini-retirements) throughout life on a regular basis |
买买买 | To buy all the things you want to have.To make a ton of money. Be a millionaire. | To do all the things you want to do, and be all the things you want to be. To make a ton of money with specific reasons and defined dreams to chase. To live like a millionaire. |
打工or 当老板 | To be the boss instead of the employee; to be in charge. | To be neither the boss nor the employee, but the owner. To own the trains and have someone else ensure they run on time. |
打怪升级,人生巅峰 | To reach the big pay-off, whether IPO, acquisition, retirement, or other pot of gold. | To think big but ensure payday comes every day: cash flow first, big payday second. |
自由 | To have freedom from doing that which you dislike. | To have freedom from doing that which you dislike, but also the freedom and resolve to pursue your dreams without reverting to work for work’s sake (W4W), the goal is not have time vacuum, but to pursue and experience the best in the world. |
Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission.
Emphasize Strengths, Don’t Fix Weaknesses.
multiplication of results using strengths or incremental improvement fixing weaknesses that will, at best, become mediocre
How has doing what you “should” resulted in subpar experiences or regret for not having done something else?
Look at what you’re currently doing and ask yourself, “What would happen if I did the opposite of the people around me? What will I sacrifice if I continue on this track for 5, 10, or 20 years?”
Conquering Fear = Defining Fear
Set aside a certain number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest fare, with course and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: “Is this the condition that I feared?”
Define your nightmare, the absolute worst that could happen if you did what you are considering.
Would it be the end of your life? What would be the permanent impact,if any, on a scale of 1–10? Are these things really permanent?How likely do you think it is that they would actually happen?
What steps could you take to repair the damage or get things back on the upswing, even if temporarily?
Chances are, it’s easier than you imagine. How could you get things back under control?
What are the outcomes or benefits, both temporary and permanent, of more probable scenarios?
Now that you’ve defined the nightmare, what are the more probable or definite positive outcomes, whether internal (confidence, self-esteem, etc.) or external? What would the impact of these more-likely outcomes be on a scale of 1–10? How likely is it that you could produce at least a moderately good outcome? Have less intelligent people done this before and pulled it off?
If you were fired from your job today, what would you do to get things under financial control? Imagine this scenario and run through questions 1–3 above. If you quit your job to test other options, how could you later get back on the same career track if you absolutely had to?
What are you putting off out of fear?
Usually, what we most fear doing is what we most need to do. That phone call, that conversation, whatever the action might be—it is fear of unknown outcomes that prevents us from doing what we need to do. Define the worst case, accept it, and do it. Resolve to do one thing every day that you fear.
What is it costing you—financially, emotionally, and physically—to postpone action?
If you don’t pursue those things that excite you, where will you be in one year, five years, and ten years? If you telescope out 10 years and know with 100% certainty that it is a path of disappointment and regret, and if we define risk as “the likelihood of an irreversible negative outcome,” inaction is the greatest risk of all.
What are you waiting for?
If you cannot answer this without resorting to the previously rejected concept of good timing, the answer is simple: You’re afraid, just like the rest of the world. Measure the cost of inaction, realize the unlikelihood and re-pairability of most missteps, and develop the most important habit of those who excel and enjoy doing so: action.
The opposite of love is indifference, and the opposite of happiness is—here’s the clincher—boredom. Remember—boredom is the enemy, not some abstract “failure.”
“What do I want?” or “What are my goals?” but “What would excite me?”
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What would you do if there were no way you could fail? If you were 10 times smarter than the rest of the world?
Create two timelines—6 months and 12 months—and list up to five things you dream of
- A - having (including, but not limited to, material wants: house, car, clothing, etc.)
- B - being (be a great cook, be fluent in Chinese, etc.)
- C - doing (visiting Thailand, tracing your roots overseas, racing ostriches, etc.)
What would you do, day to day, if you had $100 million in the bank?
What would make you most excited to wake up in the morning to another day?
one place to visit, one thing to do before you die (a memory of a lifetime) ,one thing to do daily, one thing to do weekly, one thing you’ve always wanted to learn
What does “being” entail doing?
Convert each “being” into a “doing” to make it actionable. Identify an action that would characterize this state of being or a task that would mean you had achieved it.
What are the four dreams that would change it all?
Using the 6-month timeline, star or otherwise highlight the four most exciting and/or important dreams from all columns A B C.
Determine the cost of these dreams and calculate your Target Monthly Income(TMI) for both timelines.
A + B + C + (1.3 x monthly expenses)
sum of A + B + C, counting only the four selected dreams.
add your total monthly expenses x 1.3 (the 1.3 represents your expenses plus a 30% buffer for safety or savings). This grand total is your TMI and the target to keep in mind for the rest of the book. I like to further divide this TMI by 30 to get my TDI—Target Daily Income.
What gets measured gets managed. —PETER DRUCKER
The key to having more time is doing less, and there are two paths to getting there, both of which should be used together: (1) Define a to-do list and (2) define a not-to-do list. In general terms, there are but two questions:
Which 20% of sources are causing 80% of my problems and unhappiness?
Which 20% of sources are resulting in 80% of my desired outcomes and happiness?
你不需要时间管理:制定自己的死线压力,短时间把重要工作做完。花一天时间梳理,应用8020原则,清理你的朋友圈,你投入的广告,你的客户,你的活动 etc
I’m sorry to hear that. You know, I’ve been taking your insults for a while now, and it’s unfortunate that it seems we won’t be able to do business anymore. I’d recommend you take a good look at where this unhappiness and anger is actually coming from. In any case, I wish you well. If you would like to order product, we’ll be happy to supply it, but only if you can conduct yourself without profanity and unnecessary insults. You have our fax number. All the best and have a nice day.
Limit tasks to the important to shorten work time (80/20).
Shorten work time to limit tasks to the important (Parkinson’s Law).
The best solution is to use both together: Identify the few critical tasks that contribute most to income and schedule them with very short and clear deadlines.
Am I being productive or just active?
Am I inventing things to do to avoid the important?
If this is the only thing I accomplish today, will I be satisfied with my day?
What are the top-three activities that I use to fill time to feel as though I’ve been productive?
What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence, a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it. —HERBERT SIMON
Lifestyle design is based on massive action–output. Increased output necessitates decreased input. Most information is time-consuming, negative,irrelevant to your goals, and outside of your influence. I challenge you to look at whatever you read or watched today and tell me that is wasn’t at least two of the four.
不看新闻。正好可以作为small talk的话题。吃午饭时,问问同事,最近发生了什么?Des nouvelles importantes, aujourd’hui? J’ai pas eu le temps regarder le journal.
判断标准:现用现学,立刻用上。Will I definitely use this information for something immediate and important?” Focus on what digerati Kathy Sierra calls “just-in-time” information instead of “just-in-case” information.
First, I sent e-mails to educated friends in the U.S. who share my values and asked them who they were voting for and why.
Second, I judge people based on actions and not words; thus, I asked friends in Berlin, who had more perspective outside of U.S. media propaganda, how they judged the candidates based on their historical behavior.
Last, I watched the presidential debates.
That was it. I let other dependable people synthesize hundreds of hours and thousands of pages of media for me. It was like having dozens of personal information assistants, and I didn’t have to pay them a single cent.
I picked one book out of dozens based on reader reviews and the fact that the authors had actually done what I wanted to do. If the task is how-to in nature, I only read accounts that are “how I did it” and autobiographical. No speculators or wannabes are worth the time.
Using the book to generate intelligent and specific questions, I contacted 10 of the top authors and agents in the world via e-mail and phone, with a response rate of 80%.
I only read the sections of the book that were relevant to immediate next steps, which took less than two hours. To develop a template e-mail and call script took approximately four hours, and the actual e-mails and phone calls took less than an hour. This personal contact approach is not only more effective and more efficient than all-you-can-eat info buffets, it also provided me with the major league alliances and mentors necessary to sell this book. Rediscover the power of the forgotten skill called “talking.” It works.
Once again, less is more.
SET THE RULES in your favor: Limit access to your time, force people to define their requests before spending time with them, and batch routine menial tasks to prevent postponement of more important projects. Do not let people interrupt you. Find your focus and you’ll find your lifestyle.
The bottom line is that you only have the rights you fight for.
- 批量处理事情:购物,回复邮件,etc
- 对同事或他人的忽然到访,说“Je suis occupée”
- 相信同事/下属。给他们权限,他们可以做好的。
- 使用evernote拍下一切纸张。一切都可以被搜索。
Eliminate before you delegate. Never automate something that can be eliminated, and never delegate something that can be automated or streamlined. Otherwise, you waste someone else’s time instead of your own, which now wastes your hard-earned cash.
Each delegated task must be both time-consuming and well-defined. If you’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off and assign your VA to do that for you, it doesn’t improve the order of the universe.
说明任务需要的技能,挑选VA(Visuel Asisstant)而不是直接接受。
Dear Sowmya,
Thank you. I would like to start with the following task.
TASK: I need to find the names and e-mails of editors of men’s magazines in the US (for example: maxim, stuff, GQ, esquire, blender, etc.) who also have written books. An example of such a person would be AJ Jacobs who is Editor-at-Large of Esquire . I already have his information and need more like him.
Can you do this? If not, please advise. Please reply and confirm what you will plan to do to complete this task.
DEADLINE: Since I’m in a rush, get started after your next e-mail and stop at 3 hours and tell me what results you have. Please begin this task now if possible. The deadline for these 3 hours and reported results is end-of-day ET Monday.
Thank you for your fastest reply,
找到一个小而熟悉的领域,做生意。ex: 卖别人的产品,独家卖别人的产品,生产自己的产品
Step One: Pick an Affordably Reachable Niche Market
Step Two: Brainstorm (Do Not Invest In) Products
- The Main Benefit Should Be Encapsulated in One Sentence*
- It Should Cost the Customer $50–200. 8-10倍利润
- It Should Take No More Than 3 to 4 Weeks to Manufacture.
- It Should Be Fully Explainable in a Good Online FAQ.
Step Three: Micro-Test Your Products
Step Four: free yourself
- 当你的订单超过50个以后。之前需要自己全程参与,因为成本,也为了收集FAQ,理解客户。
- 一人公司,其他都外包
- 给客户少选项。挑选客户。
- 永远不要免费给东西,而是lose-win策略。如果我们的产品不好,全额退款。关键是把产品发出去。
选择一个起始地点。旅居地点可以和 学习或者志愿活动结合。你去那里可不是为了躺平。
Learn to Eye Gaze (2 days)
Focus on one eye and be sure to blink occasionally so you don’t look like a psychopath or get your ass kicked.
In conversation, maintain eye contact when you are speaking. It’s easy to do while listening.
Practice with people bigger or more confident than yourself. If a passerby asks you what the hell you’re staring at, just smile and respond, “Sorry about that. I thought you were an old friend of mine.”
Excuse-moi, je vous ai pris pour un vieil ami.
Learn to Propose (2 Days)
Begin with the small things. Offer a solution. Practice this in both personal and professional environments.
“Can I make a suggestion?” Puis-je faire une suggestion?
“I propose …” Je propose que
“I’d like to propose …” Et si..
“I suggest that … What do you think?” Je propose de ..Qu’en penses-tu?
“Let’s try … and then try something else if that doesn’t work.” Essayons…Si ça ne marche pas, on fera autre chose.
Get Phone Numbers (2 Days)
在大街上找异性要电话号码。保持eye contact,是否要到电话号码不重要,关键是敢于提出这个要求。
Excusez-moi. Je sais que cela va vous paraître bizarre mais si je ne vous le demande pas maintenant, je le regretterai jusqu’à la fin de mes jours. Je suis en retard pour retrouver une ami mais je vous trouve vraiment très / extrêmement/ carrément joli/bell/canon. Vous voulez bien me donner votre numéro de téléphone? Je ne suis pas un psychopathe, je vous le jure. Si ça ne vous intéresse pas, vous pouvez m’en donner un faux.
Revisit the Terrible Twos (2 Days)
For the next two days, do as all good two-year-olds do and say “no” to all requests. Don’t be selective. Refuse to do all things that won’t get you immediately fired. Be selfish. As with the last exercise, the objective isn’t an outcome—in this case, eliminating just those things that waste time—but the process: getting comfortable with saying “no.” Potential questions to decline include the following:
Do you have a minute?
Want to see a movie tonight/tomorrow?
Can you help me with X?
“No” should be your default answer to all requests. Don’t make up elaborate lies or you’ll get called on them. A simple “I really can’t—sorry; I’ve got too much on my plate right now” will do as a catch-all response.
Je ne peux vraiment pas,désolé. Je ne sais déjà plus où donner de le tête.
Use the Criticism Sandwich (2 Days and Weekly)
Chances are good that someone—be it a co-worker, boss, customer, or significant other—does something irritating or at a subpar level. Rather than avoid the topic out of fear of confrontation, let’s chocolate-coat it and ask them to fix it. Once per day for two days, and then each Thursday (M-W is too tense and Friday is too relaxed) for the next three weeks, resolve to use what I call the Criticism Sandwich with someone. It’s called the Criticism Sandwich because you first praise the person for something, then deliver the criticism, and then close with topic-shifting praise to exit the sensitive topic. Here’s an example with a superior or boss, with keywords and phrases in italics.
You: Hi, Mara. Do you have a second?
Mara: Sure. What’s up?
You: First, I wanted to thank you for helping me with the Meelie Worm account [or
whatever]. I really appreciate you showing me how to handle that. You’re really good
at fixing the technical issues.
Mara: No problem.
You: Here’s the thing. There is a lot of work coming down on everyone, and I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. Normally, priorities are really clear to me but I’ve been having trouble recently figuring out which tasks are highest on the list. Could you help me by pointing out the most important items when a handful need to be done? I’m sure it’s just me, but I’d really appreciate it, and I think it would help.
Mara: Uhh … I’ll see what I can do.
You: That means a lot to me. Thanks. Before I forget, last week’s presentation was excellent.
Mara: Did you think so? Blah, blah, blah …
Je voulais vous remercier de m’avoir aidé avec …
C’est vraiment gentil à vous de m’avoir montré comment m’en sortir
Vous êtes vraiment douée pour résoudre le prblèmes techniques
Eh bien voilà= here is the thing
En général, je n’ai aucun mal à établir des priorités
Pourriez-vous m’aider en m’indiquant ce qui est
C’est sûrement de ma faute, mais j’avoue que ça m’aiderait bien et je suis ûr que ce serait utile.
Avan que j’oublie,…
Find Yoda (3 Days)
Call at least one potential superstar mentor per day for three days. E-mail only after attempting a phone call. I recommend calling before 8:30 A.M. or after 6:00 P.M. to reduce run-ins with secretaries and other gatekeepers. Have a single question in mind, one that you have researched but have been unable to answer yourself. Shoot for “A” players—CEOs, ultrasuccessful entrepreneurs, famous authors, etc.—and don’t aim low to make it less frightening. Use www.contactanycelebrity.com if need be, and base your script on the following.
Unknown answerer: This is Acme Inc. [or “the office of Mentor X”].
You: Hi, this is Tim Ferriss calling for John Grisham, please.31
Answerer: May I ask what this is regarding?
You: Sure. I know this might sound a bit odd,32 but I’m a first-time author and just read his interview in Time Out New York. 33 I’m a longtime34 fan and have finally built up the courage to35 call him for one specific piece of advice. It wouldn’t take more than two minutes of his time. Is there any way you can help me get through to him?36I really, really appreciate whatever you can do.
Answerer: Hmmm … Just a second. Let me see if he’s available. [two minutes later] Here you go. Good luck. [rings to another line]
John Grisham: John Grisham here.
You: Hi, Mr. Grisham. My name is Tim Ferriss. I know this might sound a bit odd, but I’m a first-time author and a longtime fan. I just read your interview in Time Out New York and finally built up the courage to call. I have wanted to ask you for a specific piece of advice for a long time, and it shouldn’t take more than two minutes of your time. May I?37
John Grisham: Uh … OK. Go ahead. I have to be on a call in a few minutes.
You (at the very end of the call): Thank you so much for being so generous with your time. If I have the occasional tough question—very occasional—is there any chance I could keep in touch via e-mail?
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Too fast to live.